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Thursday, April 21, 2011

The LAST Thing

I can honestly say I was dreading this class and all of these assignments when I first started. The 1st few assignments were so overwhelming to me, but it got a little better. I am so impatient when it comes to technology. I just want it to happen. I really didn't have time to do all of this with my non stop schedule. I did really enjoy all of  the challenges. I have really enjoyed each Thing that I learned even though some were easier than others. I can't imagine putting all of these Things together and teaching this course, but what a job WELL done. I really liked it being self paced even though I kept procrastinating.
I will have to say my favorites were:

  • Google Reader
  • Blogger
  • Google Docs
  • Library Thing
While these are only a few of my favorites mentioned I have several more. I plan on looking through these THINGS and becoming more familiar with them. I also plan on going to Google Sites and making a family website. I never realized there were so many web tools available and I'm sure there are probably many more that are readily available to use and read about. 
If I can make it through this class, anyone can. I really enjoyed gaining more knowledge through these sites. It was AMAZING and I would recommend to others. 

Thing #23: Beyond Facebook: Other Social Networks

I have looked through Classroom 2.0 and found it to be very useful to classroom teachers and others.  I was going to comment on a few messages, but my membership was still pending. I really think this could  benefit any type of teachers because it has various discussions about all subjects. I tried going to the PE link  but it currently did not have any information. I believe this could be real helpful to teachers that teach the same subject. They could collaborate and share assignments and ideas. I believe most faculty's would enjoy this and have fun. I also saw there are people from all over the world on Classroom 2.0 and I thought that was so Cool.
I also have an account with Twitter and I am going to try and use it more often.  My Twitter account doesn't have as many acquaintances so this may cause me to just type some random information to the world.  On my facebook I try to just write about me or family, etc.  I am not too familiar with Twitter yet to know how it could be beneficial in the classroom, but I am sure the kids would know what to do if given something to twitter about. I also like not being able to write more than 140 characters on Twitter. Some people want to write too much and I am always a busy person so time is a factor.
Well, I have throroughly enjoyed  finding out more information on the Social Networking, but plan to keep getting more familiar with it all. I DID NOT know there are so many.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thing #22: Explore Social Networking

I have had a facebook account for some time.  I set my facebook account up to check on my children and to see what they may be up to. I have not had to be one of the types of parents to ground them from their facebook. They `use technology with caution and make good choices. They accuse me of being a facebook stalker, but that is ok I enjoy knowing what they write and their friends write.
I use facebook mainly to keep in touch with co-workers, family and friends. Being in contact with my high school friends has been a lot of fun through facebook also. I am connected with Hallsville Oldies and this helps me know of illnesses, births, deaths or ones in need of prayer that I went to high school with. It is also a way to find out about anything that someone posts. Having facebook on my phone allows me to check it daily and sometimes more than one time. I really enjoy reading posts by other people and I also enjoy making posts about my own family or just whatever I feel like saying.
I also have a myspace, but I have not checked it in over a year. I just stick with facebook nowadays. One reason, I enjoyed myspace was because I like the background and music that can be downloaded and changed, but it seemed as though myspace was mostly for the younger generation.  I enjoy facebook better because it has helped me connect with people that I have not seen or spoke with in many years.
I believe a facebook would be helpful for my athletes and only be used for scheduling of games/practices or just for athletic girls to use for conversation and such. I also believe  a facebook for each teacher could be beneficial for their students, but only be allowed for their students and parents or other relatives.  I am glad that when I hear kids talk about facebook I know exactly what they are talking about. Keeping up with the latest technology used by the students helps out a lot. I could go on and on about Facebooking so that is all for now.

Thing #7b: Google Reader Revisited

I checked my Google Reader and there was an article on Physical Education Update Blog titled, "Sun and Mud and a Spring Day and Just Having Fun." This article was interesting to me because we recently finished track season and it reminded of a few girls that really worked hard this season. It spoke of the Spring season beginning and the runners practicing in the mud, snow, sunshine, etc. and the fun of being around girls that giggle and enjoy being physically with movement and being physically fit. The coach really was hoping to remember this day because it was full of life and physical activity and he reminded himself to not take the aspect of sports so seriously. Enjoy LIFE to the Fullest. 
I really enjoyed the RSS and skimming the many articles it has to offer. It is very similar to the newspaper because it has so many articles. Some are very interesting and some are not.
One of my favorite Google Readers is Sports Crackle Pop and I believe I like this one so much because it has so many different articles about Sports. I am just a huge Sports Fanatic.

Thing #21: Cool Tools GOOGLE Has to Offer

I was amazed at all the different ways Google is used such as: IGoogle, Google Calendar, Google Book Search, Google Alerts, Google Sites, etc. It was so Awesome checking these all out. I could spend many hours on all these Googles. I am a little familiar with Google alerts because I get alerts about ARD's that are scheduled at my school with different students. I also have set up an iGoogle, but I am not finished with it. Setting up a Countdown was neat to see and I am still trying to learn everything else that can be added to it. The Google Books was also fun to look at because again I was just amazed at all the books I could search for and so much information to offer.
I also believe the Google Calendar could benefit at school because students, teachers and family members could look at a monthly calendar and know what is scheduled each week whether it be for testing, games, fund-raising, field trips, etc. This would be very helpful especially because kids do not seem to take important notes home to parents.

Thing #20: Google Docs

I have heard of Gooogle Docs, but have never used it. I have used Google Apps though. I went to Google Docs and played around to get familiar with it and I was needing to purchase equipment for my Physical Education classes and put my order in Microsoft word and shared it with our school secretary and the sales representative for the company Gopher. I am hoping they don't wonder what in the world is being sent. I thought this would be a good way to communicate about the order and so on. I also believe I could make a spreadsheet for my volleyball or basketball team and keep up with statistics about each game. This could be shared among players and coaches. I believe with a little more experience and practice with Google Docs it will be of great benefit to me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thing #18 You Too Can You Tube

It is so hard to believe how many videos that are on You Tube.  I found some to be educational, but many that are garbage and shouldn't be on there.
I worked at the World Sport Stacking Association Tournament recently and it had 700 participants from 16 different countries. Mesquite and Garland ISD were the organizers and it was amazing.  I have chosen to embed a video from the WSSA.

I also found another you tube video that I thought was beneficial because I am always looking for fun activities for my students. So here is a game called Mission Impossible on YOu Tube.

Now it is time to find a "How to" video. I have always loved eating vegetables and fruits and my Dad always had a garden when I was a child.

Now for my last video I am going to look for a Texas Rangers video on You Tube. WIN or Lose I am always a Rangers fan.

For some reason I lost 2 videos and had to edit and upload videos a couple of times. I don't know what happened, but hopefully it is corrected now.